RogueTriplis319 > The Bakuninjutsu Collection

“To revolt is a natural tendency of life. Even a worm turns against the foot that crushes it. In general, the vitality and relative dignity of an animal can be measured by the intensity of its instinct to revolt.”


The Bakuninjutsu Collection

The Bakuninjutsu Collection is a series of guerrilla training manuals that are designed to radicalize select members of the rabble-proletariat towards be-coming fully-inspired expressions of the Anarcho-Nihilist Revolution.

Days of War, Nights of Love

Volume One

This book establishes first contact with potential recruits, and presents the rabble with a solid opportunity to overcome their history of addiction and incarceration, and detailed instructions on how to start a revolution and become an Anarcho-Nihilist.

Recipes for Disaster

Volume Two

This volume presents the newly recruited field agent with a new identity and cover story, that is centered around the concept of using organic food as a medium for social change, and instructs the agent on how to erase their personal history.

Expect Resistance

Volume Three

This Volume instructs the agent of change on how to turn the civilians they encounter in their daily lives into assets of the revolution, without blowing cover or even mentioning a word about politics or culture.


Volume Four


Volume Five

Off the Map

Volume Six

Recap List

From Democracy To Freedom

Volume Seven

No Wall They Can Build

Volume Eight

This volume, the last of the series, demonstrates the absolute difference between the spirit and the form with a kaleidoscopic assortment of articles which each point to a similar message, but do so through very different and often controversial mediums.