RogueTriplis319 > Guidance from Thèun Mares

Dear friends, what I would like to share with you today has been long in the coming because it is life-changing in its implications, and therefore I first NEEDED to be as sure as I can be before giving it to you! Please listen with GREAT care and make SURE you grasp the implications. If you are at all unsure, then please ASK! When I say unsure I do NOT mean that you must UNDER-STAND it all NOW, for in truth I am pointing out to you the NEW, some-thing that can only REALLY be UNDER-STOOD in the true sense of the word through EXPERIENCE, and therefore what I will be outlining now is a JOURNEY of a lifetime! So when I say ask I mean ask about the APPROACH if you are unsure of what this entails, but there is no point in asking me questions concerning the journey, for this we will only LEARN as we move forward from here! I cannot NOW already tell you what lies just around the corner, for with the advent of the Cry of the Eagle we are very much in the UNKNOWN, and the UNKNOWN cannot be known, or guessed at, or theorized about beforehand!

Ever since the Cry of the Eagle was sounded I have been battling to find a NEW way forward, for as a seer I just KNEW with every fibre of my being that because the OLD has now served its purpose, the time has come to once again re-assess and re-evaluate our knowledge in terms of the NEW! I will not bore you with technical details that are beyond your present grasp, but the greatest dilemma for me personally lay in the fact that I once again in this lifetime hold the Office of the Dragon Wolf, an office with a portfolio that seemed to be at ODDS with the NEEDS of humanity as dictated by current world events! I finally managed to see that in order to FULFIL my duty in terms of this office I NEEDED to exchange the MANTLE of the Dragon Wolf for the Yellow Rose of Friendship! Again in the interests of avoiding unnecessary technicalities, what this means in PRACTICE is having to bring into HARMONY two INCOMPATIBLE forces, namely the Mantle and the Yellow Rose! A TALL order to say the least, for the mantle is essentially SOBRIETY through the medium of ORDERED SEPARATION, whereas the Yellow Rose is INCLUSIVENESS through the medium of MIXED ABUNDANCE, something we do not even BEGIN to understand, for the Yellow Rose is far more ancient than humanity, and it has its origins deep within the UNKNOWABLE!

All of this is hugely complex at a technical level, for it brings into the equation the Rule of the Three-Pronged Nagal, the crisis of the males, that is, the PURPOSE of this present great manifestation, the Christ Principle, that is, in ESSENCE, the Yellow Rose and which automatically brings with it the Heptagon, that is, the relationship between the TRIANGLE and the SQUARE, the 3 and the 4, life coming into manifestation and life within manifestation, and of this relationship, that is, the HEPTAGON, we know precious little! Also coming into this equation because of the Cry of the Eagle is the current initiation the Spirit of Atl is undertaking, again something which is beyond our grasp, other than the fact that this initiation has to do with Atl’s THROAT CENTRE, that is, HU-MAN-ITY, and therefore the Sons of Mind versus the Sons of Man, all of which is wrapped in that mystery surrounding the INSTINCTUAL and the INTUITIVE sides of Atl’s nature, namely, THE DIVINE REBEL and THE GREAT SACRIFICE! Therefore, as you can see, we are TRULY in the UNKNOWN and busy mapping out like never before!

This is the Cry of the Eagle, meaning that humanity has come of age, and that this is therefore humanity’s hour of power! As you know, the Spirit of Atl has stepped back and has ordered the Guardians of the Race to do likewise! What this means is that never before has the OPPORTUNITY for the INDIVIDUAL been so great, for now that the Spirit of Atl has stepped back it is humanity’s opportunity to STEP UP to the TABLE in terms of EACH and EVERY INDIVIDUAL coming FORWARD with what he or she has to offer LIFE! Gone are the days when this glorious opportunity existed ONLY for the individual in terms of what he or she could offer his or her true SELF! Today it is POSSIBLE for the individual UNIT of the One Life to offer whatever he or she has to offer to the WHOLE! In this no-one is asking how much you have to offer! On the contrary, as Christ taught us, what makes our GIFT to the Spirit WHOLE-SOME is that we GIVE FREELY of the LITTLE that we DO HAVE!

This is a concept, no, a PROMISE, that blows my mind, for as a warrior I am only too acutely aware of the POVERTY of my human resources! Therefore to know that the little I DO have to offer is WHOLE-SOME and DOES have VALUE, brings me WILLINGLY to both knees, for in the face of such an unbelievable expression of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, how can I not be totally overcome by utter humility? In the face of such a love how can I JUSTIFY NOT GIVING FREELY my ALL, my EVERY-THING? How can I justify withholding anything of VALUE that I have? How can I justify saying, “This for myself, and this for the spirit?” And above all, in just simply being ALIVE at this time, how can I justify THINKING that I have nothing of value to give? Humbling, to say the very least! Humbling that even I, no matter how I may look upon myself, DO IN-DEED have value because of being ALLOWED to PARTICIPATE in this WONDER-FULL expression of unconditional love!

Admittedly, and on a lighter note, I also cannot help but to roar with laughter at how CLEVERLY we have all been stalked into giving our all! Yet, quite frankly, and speaking for myself, I do not care a damn about having been stalked so ruthlessly! All I care about is this incredible expression of love, and the ONLY thing I can think of is how badly I WANT to give my ALL and my EVERY-THING in order to PARTICIPATE in this love, and thereby to be a part of it! In a nutshell, I am so very much in love with LIFE, that even IF I had been MANIPULATED into this, I still wouldn’t care a damn! I am just simply happy and content to know that I am loved, that I am a part of this present expression of unconditional love!

But, my friends, in order to GIVE FREELY implies that ALL CONDITIONS surrounding giving are FIRST REMOVED, for how can we give FREELY if there are conditions to giving, for surely this is a contradiction in terms? Yet if we look around us in the world today we see that all conditions have IN-DEED been removed by the Spirit of Atl having stepped back, and the RESULTS are all too clear to see! Everywhere men and women are busy breaking down every single thing that has ever kept infant humanity on the straight and the narrow! 🙂 Like any young adult, humanity is so BUSY discarding its “school uniform,” burning its “text books,” throwing out of the window the sense of ethics and morality instilled in it during childhood and, in general, happily discarding EVERY-THING that it associates with being a child!

At face value it appears like a disaster, yes, but it can only ever become a disaster IF in all this FREEDOM from LIMITATIONS humanity does NOT step up to the table, but instead throws away the BABY with the BATHWATER! In this respect, even the Temple of Humanity is no longer being kept sacrosanct and is therefore open to being plundered! Will humanity plunder it? Or will humanity GRASP and TREASURE what is to be found in the sanctum sanctorum? Even the lineages are something of the past! In other words, Atl is saying to us, “Having come of age you are FREE to REMOVE anything you perceive to be a LIMITATION hindering you in being able to GIVE FREELY of yourselves!” Does this seem shocking? Does this seem like madness? In a way it IS shocking, and in a way it IS madness! But it is a shock only insofar as the IMPLICATIONS are that NOW it is UP to US whether we choose to DESTROY or to OPEN our HEARTS! And it is madness only insofar as this constitutes a HUGE RISK in that humanity can swing it in either way! In a nutshell, humanity has come of age, yes, but is humanity, and RE-MEMBER we are PART of humanity, GROWN UP enough to take upon ourselves the RESPONSIBILITY inherent within the Cry of the Eagle, or is humanity simply going to become a delinquent and ultimately a social dropout?

But now, to make all of this immanently PRACTICAL, let me explain.

IF you DO wish to build a Group, then it must NOT be in order to BELONG to something, or BECAUSE you HAVE to support my purpose, or BECAUSE you HAVE to lead by example, or BECAUSE you HAVE to be impeccable, or BECAUSE you HAVE to make a difference in the world! You must DO it, only if you WANT to do it with ALL of your heart, and for NO REASON other than that DOING it is MORE important for you than succeeding or failing!

I hope it is clear to you what all of this entails! Essentially it means that I will no longer be DO-ING it FOR you, for now YOU have to DO it, whatever “it” may be for each and every one of you personally! Needless to say, this IMPACTS hugely upon you AS the Group, for I will no longer be nursing you into staying together as a Group! I will guide, yes, but I will NOT be telling you WHAT to do, or even HOW to do it! So from now on my guidance will be VERY different, and whether you succeed or fail in becoming a Group that CAN make a difference in the world is now totally dependent upon each and every one of you GIVING FREELY of what you DO have to offer! For example, one thing I have always INSISTED upon within the Group is impeccability in ALL of your actions, but from now on I will no longer DEMAND that you be impeccable!

Therefore IF you are going to BE impeccable, it must NOT be BECAUSE you FEAR being kicked out of the Group, or BECAUSE you believe that you MUST be impeccable, or BECAUSE you are trying to seek approval by being impeccable, etc., etc! No! IF you ARE going to be impeccable it must ONLY be because you so badly WANT to be impeccable that being impeccable is for YOU a Path with a Heart! But in this you can also see the risk, not just to YOU, but also to the WHOLE, that is, the Group, for ALL of life is thoroughly interrelated, interactive, and therefore also interdependent! Up until now I have disciplined and policed you into being impeccable, but from now on it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY as to whether impeccability is something you CAN GIVE FREELY from the bottom of your heart! Enforced impeccability has always been necessary, and has always worked in the PAST, but it can no longer be FORCED, for now it MUST come from the HEART and no longer from the MIND!

This is true for ALL of the teachings! In the past the ONLY thing that mattered was that the lineages were kept alive for the sake of keeping humanity’s heritage in safe custody, and for evolving that heritage, and to this end nagals simply drove, forced and DISCIPLINED their apprentices by DEMANDING that they LIVE the teachings! But this has come to pass! We are now in a NEW TIME, and therefore the OLD can no longer be made to serve where humanity is at NOW! I will therefore no longer be demanding anything from you, but, on the contrary, will be HELPING you to get RID of EVERY-THING that is hindering you from GIVING FREELY of YOUR-SELVES! So, for example, IF you should find that working within the context of a group is for YOU inhibiting, I will EN-COURAGE you to withdraw from the Group. Likewise should the Group find having ANY member within the Group inhibiting in any way whatsoever, I will likewise EN-COURAGE the member concerned to leave the Group! In all of this I will continue to GUIDE and to GIVE you the benefit of my greater knowledge, but I will NOT be telling you WHAT to DO, or HOW to DO it! But, take CARE, for this new approach does NOT give you a LICENSE to become life-destructive! In other words, it is UNDER-STOOD that this approach can ONLY work IF you are striving to LISTEN to your HEART, and to ACT upon it, in WANTING with every fibre of your being to be life-supportive!

If there are any questions please ask!

Thèun Mares